It’s kind of true, isn’t it?
Our life is overflowing with decisions. . .
decisions that we actually have to make
good or bad
for better for worse
for richer and poor
in sickness in and in health. . .
sounds like a vow, doesn’t it;
but it’s always much more than that. . .
These are decisions that in
just a moment
we make most of the time
u n c o n s c i o u s l y
Not because of who we want to be,
but because of actually who we are. . .
Who needs your forgiveness today?
Who needs your grace?
Who needs your sweet compassion and care and understanding?
Who needs you
regardless of conditions or limitations
or’s, until’s, but’s, or most of all
Everyone deserves an actual
PEACE of your cake
But the question always remains:
Will They actually receive it. . . ?
We literally know in
and even if we don’t recognize or notice it
we really do always know. . . .