If our Lives are like Books
We no doubt have many
we would rip out
So others would never see them
and we just might be able to forget them
b u t
if we could just learn from our mistakes
(especially the ones we make repeatedly)
we just might find
that we have no regrets
but some
Garbage DISposal

Contrary to popular belief, not all good things come from above. I can attest to that from not only doing countless outside graveside services but take a look at my car and that was in a church parking lot where you think I would have some form of protection. . .
But is if that’s not audacious enough what do you do with a car that looks like that or worse a car that looks like you feel? I mean the obvious answer is go get it washed, right?
But here’s the real stumper. . . when that happens to us,
when we literally get dumped on for no apparent reason, or even just because we happen to be in the wrong place at the right time, what do we do about that? Well, often we don’t do what is so obvious; we don’t get washed off; we don’t remove it. . . in fact, we kind a carry it like a badge of honor, as if to say to everyone, “Hey, look what happened to me! Look who did this to me!” And we hold onto it like it’s a long-lost-never-gonna-lose-the-the-precious-gift-again-kind-of-treasure. Let’s let’s face it, who wants to hold onto to something that’s icky/sticky/stanky/yucky? And yet most often THAT IS EXACTLY what we do. . .
So even when we can’t predict the next INCOMING DUMPING what we might be able to predict is how we RESPOND, not REACT but how we respond TO IT. The reacting part is what we do as a knee-jerk response. It’s what we want to show everybody. It is what we want to take the full page Sunday addition New York Times ad out and say, “LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO ME; LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO ME!” But, RESPONDING is just merely WASHING/Getting rid of the not so nice OBVIOUS MESS and literally moving on. . .Difficult, huh? No seriously, REAL DIFFICULT STUFF because we just can’t ever really seem to do not just the obvious, but the actual SIMPLY obvious. . . .
Wait. What? With NO JUSTICE or punishment to THE DUMPER?
Yeah, wow. With no apparent punishment. . . especially from the one that’ll further bog you down by assuming the roles of jury, judge, and executioner: Y O U
Now here’s the real problem we know this. WE KNOW that we know this. WE WILL BET OUT LIVES that we know this. But, but the next time we get the dumped on from something not-so-good-from-above we will act like we don’t know it all. . .
Hmmmmmmm. Who’s making the bigger MESS HERE?
(a g a i n)