Well, Are You? Are you Happy? Now? Today?
Is now the happiest you’ve ever been in your life? If not, when was it. . .or When Will It Be?
Poets, Philosophers, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Song-Writers, Ministers, Parents, Men, Women, Children, You–all have an answer, a definition of what Happiness is. . .but if Happiness is anything at all, in any form, shape, size, sound, taste, feel, smell or touch really starts is an “I” doesn’t it.
The World will tell us where Happiness can be found and where it exists or how it’s concocted, but if it doesn’t begin, continue, end with, “I” then does it ever really exist at all or can it until the ‘next One thing’ that promises IT like so many things before IT?
I use to ask people, in passing, like so many others, “What do you do?”
I’m feeling more and more that it’s not what we do for a Living that contributes to our Happiness so much as what we do for a Life.
Happiness begins with an “I” Maybe John Lennon felt that, maybe someone you’ve always admired, respected, love, feels that way or thinks differently.
The Truth: IT doesn’t make much matter–IT’s what You think, Believe, Know, Live. H appiness with a Capital H begins with you and, oh yeah. . .how it Spreads best. . . !