THEY SAY that love is in the air. THEY SAY that love is for free. THEY SAY that love is the greatest force in and out of this world. THEY SAY a lot, but what do THEY actually really show, or to get real personal, what do you show and what do you really say?
Come on, listen a week ago we were hunting for Valentine’s Day deals because love was for sale; now it’s on sale or flat out, by the empty shelves testimony, SOLD OUT and don’t be mistaken, there is a huge difference and we usually show it after thinking or even saying IT. . . .
So, what kind of love are you selling then? Does it have a price tag on it? Even though we say that the greatest force in and out of this world, is it unconditional? Is it really conditional in your case? What would it take for you not to be in a relationship that you’re in; what would it take in any relationship for you to say that’s the dealbreaker? Because whatever IT is, is most definitely a condition so love may be in the air, (just not seemingly as much as on February 14) but there’s a huge difference between it being in the air and FOR SALE, ON SALE, at a discount, SOLD OUT, or unconditionally 100% guaranteed and given, no IF’S, no AND’S, no EXCEPTS, no UNTIL’S, no BUT’S. . .
What did THEY SAY? Usually in less than just a moment, we know, and even quicker than that. . . so does everybody else
by what we do or what we don’t show. . .
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