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The World is sometimes so dark
sometimes so without Power
of any sorts
And even in the specks of Lightness
dressing in the dark is a labor
that offers no salary
Unmatched socks
Color of shirts and their disorientated designs
Hues of teetered textured ties
Somber suit pants
Gloomy blazers
with tweeds and threads
of senselessnesses and quizzicalities
Dressing in the Dark
forces what comes so natural in Light
but seemingly stubborn in the
as if your eyes grew hands;
fingertips of faith that try
but can never quite
grope or furniture walk their ways to
an unseen but known harborage
A dizzy labyrinth that has no idea
of its own way
Dressing in the Dark–
it may be easier just to stay as
nakedly helpless as you feel Undressed
knowing that other eyes
can’t see like yours
or worse–don’t notice
or worse–don’t care to recognize
Make sure that the worst kind of
doesn’t take place
with your eyes wide open
but un-noticing. . .
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