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Usually that’s an insult isn’t it,
you treat me like a kid
you treat me like a child
you treat me like a little baby. . .
Well when was the last time that somebody treated you like a child.
No. . .no not as an insult
but as a compliment. . .
On my morning walk
a little more than halfway through
I walk through a school zone
and a matter if there’s any traffic coming or not
there’s a school guard
probably about my age
who comes out into the middle of the crosswalk
with her stop sign held high
and stops the traffic for me
so that I can safely cross.
And every time she does it
and she does it every time
I feel like a little kid
in fact, I always tell her thank you
for making me feel like a little boy
all over again
and taking such good care of me. . .
And I like what she usually says back.
“I see that little boy in you and everybody should take the chance of taking care of another person and making them feel like a child again; safe, loved, and secured.”
“You make me feel like a kid; you treat me like a child,”
now takes on a whole other different meaning for me
even as I write this with a smile on my face
. . .it’s still does
Hey, take the opportunity to make somebody feel like a kid again.
Put a smile on their face without a bribe of a lollipop
or a piece of candy
but lollipop and a piece of candy
isn’t it a bad way to make somebody
feel like a kid again, either. . .
Isn’t it nice to know that when we’re walking each other home
there’s someone already there
not only before us
but making sure that the walk
is safe as it could be. . .
kind of makes you feel like a kid again
and if it doesn’t,
it makes you want to feel like one. . .
How perfectly put when she says that “I see that little boy in you.” We should never lose sight of that. I still eat cereal from the bowl I did when I was a kid.
Of course you still eat Cereal, most likely out of your SCOOBY DO bowl and TIGGER SPOON, Mr Nicolella…NEVER STOP!!