Sometimes it feels like we are living in a fruitcake world, doesn’t it? The word on the decorated holiday street is that only about 11% of the population actually LIKE fruitcake. How about you? Do you like it? Has it ever been gifted to you? Is it found on your holiday get together table? Would you go for a slice or a bowl of lima beans?
Sometimes it kind of feels like a fruitcake world. . .
1teaspoonbaking soda
1 cup (236ml) full fat sour cream
2 cups (280g) raisins
1 cup (130g) chopped dates
1/2 cup (75g) chopped glazed cherries (can sub dried sweetened cranberries)
1 cup (100g) chopped walnuts
2 cups (260g) all-purpose flour, divided
8 tablespoons (113g) unsalted butter, softened
1 cup (200g) sugar
1large egg
Finely grated zest of 1 orange
1 to 2 ounces (30 to 60ml) brandy, optional
Any one of these ingredients are seemingly alright by themselves but once you mix them up, well, now that’s the problem. Much like our World which is made up of so many different kinds of ingredients are all okay on their own but mix them, WHOA!
Elise Bauer
It kind of brought me to a poetic moment as I stood inside my favorite bakery, Fragapane Bakeries, Inc. in Bay Village as I looked at the different options of fruitcakes they offered FOR ME:
Ahhhhhhh To be disliked by many even when a carefully mixed Sweetness is offered makes no matter for seemingly the batter which does in fact batter
My ingredients won’t match or exceed the intentions even when served up during a holiday party or dared to be given as a gift most assuredly dared re-gifted
If we’d but notice we’re all in the mix bringing distinct flavors that favors your approval
Straight from the mixing bowls of grace that fold firmly and blend without separating on our way to ovens of warm completedness
Served with a smile even as being rejected but maybe in a fresh NOW at least appreciated
A humble invitation:
that’s a slice of something
we can all agree. . . JOIN ME, p l e a s e