A Simple game, huh?
But why, why is it we take the Simple and make it so complicated?
To make it more important? For it to be taken seriously? To take it more seriously?
Would it make the Checkers Plan inconceivable?
The plan can be implemented in any area of your life, especially the most troublesome ones.
Hit the Rewind button and go back with me for a little bit. When, exactly, was the the last time you actually played a spirited game of Checkers?
Yesterday or yesteryear?
Do you remember the rules? What are they?
WOW. . .how much of your life would be Immediately different if you just took that one simple step, that one little rule of Checkers, and just applied it to your life? Most, literally, might not be able to recognized the New Life that would emerge fairly quickly if they just incorporated that one, simple rule in their lives.
Could there be any more valuable lesson or advice anyone could ever receive at any time of their lives, under even the most adverse conditions, than are merely summed up in these TWO simple words? Pretty good rule for Checkers; Great rule for Life?
Isn’t that the ultimate success plan. . .what one step at a time, moving forward, we aren’t, indeed, all trying to achieve, reach, accomplish?
And exactly, just what does getting King-ed get you?
Freedom! Total Freedom and power to move at ease anywhere you want, frontwards, backwards, to all sides.
Simple Rules, huh. A five-year old can not only understand, but master them.
Maybe too simple. . .I mean, if it’s NOT Complicated, how can it ever be significant?
Who is exempt from the easiest, surest application of the Checkers Plan?
Psssssst: N O O N E. . . .
Maybe the biggest question ‘on the board,’ is just as simple:
If only I new what. To do with the rest of my life. I watch TV, and sit around all day not knowing what is out there and too lazy to find out. What a waste of life! There must be a reason IL here!
I think of all the people, FAMILY and Friends, who would be devastated without Vicki in it. . .you’re HERE because you are SUPPOSE TO BE HERE, your worth is much more than any calculator could ever figure. . .Thank God for Y O U!