525600 minutes, 525600 moments so dear, 525600 minutes, how do you measure, measure a year? in daylights, in sunsets? In midnights or cups of coffee? In inches? In miles? In laughter or strife? In 525600 minutes? How do you measure a year in the life? How about love How about love How about love Measure in love Seasons of love Seasons of love 525600 minutes, 525600 journeys to plan. 525600 minutes. How do you measure the life of a woman or man? In truths that she learned or in times that he cried. In bridges he burned, or the way that she died. It’s time now to sing out tho’ the story never ends. Let’s celebrate. Remember a year in the life of friends. Remember the love. Remember the love. Measure, Measure the love. Seasons of love, seasons of love
It’s a rear view mirror no one wants to look
or even give a quick glance
as we recall this past year
365 days
525600 minutes
315360000 s e c o n d s
I’ve loved the play
ever since it’s come out
and have seen it already a half a dozen times
and won’t tell you
how many times
I’ve watched the movie
or just listened endlessly to the
but this is the song
especially this past year
that’s kept boomeranging back to me
at different times
when I’ve searched for my
p l a c e (s)
in an ever unfurling

Where we’ve searched
tried to find
how we can be all things to all people
while trying to figure out who we are

over these past
525600 minutes. . .
in these shake-up-the-snow-globe-world
we’re living in
have you measured these
525600 moments
in daylights, in sunsets,
in midnights or cups of coffee,
in inches, in miles,
in laughter or strife
or LOVE. . .
Here’s hoping they continue to be measured
in Love
(The Only Season that Matters)
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