Just who do you think you are?
It’s a question that was usually asked in anger, almost disbelief when I did something wrong as a kid.
Maybe I talked back to my parents (BIG MISTAKE)!
Maybe I talked back to my teachers (BIG MISTAKE–they were friends with my parents)!
Maybe I threw bubble gum out of the balcony at Church and it hit Peggy Young in the back of the head and stuck in her long hair (before they knew how to take it out with Peanut Butter) and she had to get a hair cut and Mr. Young called the house on a Sunday afternoon that quickly became BLACK SUNDAY before there ever was a Black Sunday.
Maybe it’a been asked of you?
Maybe it needs to be!
Maybe this is hooked at the hip with the question: WHAT DID YOU FORGET?
Maybe it’s hooked with the single most devastating lie ever told: YOU HAVE A PURPOSE?
Maybe it’s a the biggest Shovel ever handed to you for the Motivation to DIG DEEPER?
Maybe it’s a Collect $200/Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Card in the Monopolizing Game of Life?
Maybe it’s your Carte Blanc chance to ASK and not be told you’re a Doubter for doing so?
Maybe it’s Time for you to Find OUT or better still, FIND IN?
Maybe it’s just something you thought of reading all of these Maybe’s?
Maybe it’s a Jump Start to not only the beginning of the week, but the beginning of the WEAK and the Strong battling inside for the ultimate YOU?
M A Y B E. . .?
So, Just Who Do You Think You Are (RIGHT NOW)?
I am His