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I don’t know. . .
is a terrible answer.
Does I don’t know ever sit well with anyone, for anyone?
Does I don’t know ever make the heart beat lighter, the mind more peaceful, the soul more settled after a room full of Doctor’s all through out the day parade in, giving theories, hypothesis, checking, re-checking, testing, re-testing and after IT all
is the end all answer Erin and I were given after five seizures, five nights at Cleveland Clinic, numerous tests, a spinal tap, blood work and more worry than two mixed up minds could possible comprehend.
“BUT SOMETIMES, SOMETIMES, ‘I DON’T KNOW’ is the only answer there really is,” the Doctor told us before we went home.
He told us to take solace in all of the things we now know IT IS NOT: A mass or tumor, a hemorrhage or a bleed, or a stroke.
Maybe we’ve come to expect too much when it comes to our modern day medicine and our sophisticated ways of diagnosing and prognosing infections and diseases?
But out of all of the Punctuation we use or is used against us, none is more haunting or frustrating than
In the three weeks, home now from the hospital, there have been a few more question marks that have arisen but most of them have become more vapor-like because as the Doctor’s promised,
“These symptoms of the headaches, ear pressure, dizziness and endurance will diminish over the next three weeks, going along with our theory that it was a viral infection that we just can’t prove in the lab.”
So life. . .like it so often does,
from the Mt Everest’s to the Dead Seas
goes on. . .
The clock’s have ticked their Toc’s
The Calendar pages have been ripped away and discarded
The Sun has risen and the moon has become full
Medicines have been taken
Meals eaten,
with Periods, Commas, Exclamation points, Hyphens, Semi-Colons,
. . .and that IT GOES ON
dims. . .if not in fact, eliminates the
making the other side of the sheets a little more bearable
(This is the third installment of four of the ROUGH SIDE OF THE SHEETS: These are some of lessons experienced, learned, and how hopefully, shared. It’s my hope that you enjoy these journey-ings, and more, take the time to share a few of yours so that we can all learn a little more about those razor blade laden sheets…and in the sharing, soften them a little)
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