Who Cares - What Matters

They tell us we should sleep like a baby why don’t know about you but as a baby I didn’t sleep so well sometimes I still don’t know don’t get me wrong on the first guy who’s head hits the pillow asleep within moments literally in fact when listening to music at night I usually don’t make it through the first song now staying asleep that might be a different matter and then getting back to sleep after you wake up that might be a whole Nother matter to because once your mind starts wandering or racing or thinking or having that monkey mindedness about it, it’s like somebody shakes the snow globe of your mind and for whatever time you have left before you get up well the snow globe never settles does it. So what’s the cure because finding that cure would be a gazillion billion dollar business but most often it does it come in the form of a pill it’s not a nectar that you can drink it is certainly not some magic potion just sent you from one room to another. Do you count sheep. Say the alphabet ~~backwards. Pray. Count your blessings. Breathe exercises or ______________ well you fill the in the blank which often stays blank