What does it take. . .
what does it take
to reach another person
so they can trust you enough
that you’re able to not just be with them
but more importantly
help them. . .
So every time I walk into a patient’s room for the first time or call them on phone, I try not to identify myself as the hospice chaplain, but a person who works with the hospice nurse or the social worker or the home health aide so they don’t get the wrong idea of why I’m visiting: TO SAVE THEM from eternal hell and let them know/accept MY JESUS or because they and their situation are so dire, they actually had to send the chaplain in because. . .
we all possess:
at that moment
and at that time
and that absolutely
no one else could be for them. . .
we don’t have to possess
those magical powers
in order to make sure
that could happen to another person
because of who it is that we are
or aren’t
at that particular moment. . .
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