So what kind of a person are you?
Are you the kind of person that believes everything happens
for a purpose
or a reason
and it absolutely has a meaning. . . ?
Are you the kind of person that says hey nothing has a purpose;
it’s all fate. . .
Are you the kind of person that believes in the Doris Day Que Sera, Sera whatever will be will be
kind of person?
We probably have the opportunity to ask ourselves this question at least 100 times a day,
maybe even 10,000 times a week
and the interesting part is
the answer
may change from situation to situation. . .
So here we are at a movie to see The Goldfinch and having went through all of the previews are awaiting the main attraction when all of a sudden the screen goes blank. . .
Well not completely blank ~~
computer blank:

Now mind you, there were only two couples that were attending this movie and after the more than uncomfortable 20 minutes of silence and shifting about, Management came in and apologized and said there will not be a movie that night; that they were having a malfunction with the equipment. Now there were a couple of options: we could go to another show or we could be refunded our tickets.

Fate ?
Purpose ?
Que Sera, Sera ?
It kind of hit me at that moment
that maybe
some of the best movies there are,
A R E N ‘ T
The best movies aren’t the ones that come from the screenplay
weren’t adapted from a novel or short story
The best movies aren’t the ones that are being adapted from a true life situation
or even the infamous, Mark Twain one-liner:
“All stories are true; some of them actually happened. . . .”
I didn’t think any of those things so much as
maybe the best movie really
is the one that’s not on the screen
or not from any other medium
but the one that’s continually being created, formatted and shown from the Inside;
n e c e s s a r y
The one
where no Concessions are available,
no bathroom breaks taken. . .
(or needed)
The movie of our mind
and better still
the actual real life footage
from our life
is much more compelling
than anything that can come from a book
Anything that can be shown on the screen
Anything that can be adapted to the digitalized formats. . .
So what kind of a person are you?
An Everything has a reason and a purpose, Person
A Fate. everything is just fate, Person
Que Sera, Sera whatever will be will be, Person
Or a you kind of person where
You are the Creator
the writer
the producer
the co-producer
of your movie. . . ?
Maybe it’s the one that hasn’t even made it to the reel
hasn’t even been digitalize to get up on the screen
hasn’t haven’t even had the first letter of the first word in the first paragraph imagined or written yet. . . ?
it’s that fresh
that new
that now kind of thing
It would even surprise you
what you’re about to produce. . .
And now for the most important question of all:
Who are your co-stars?
Turn off your cell phones
The lights have dimmed
the theaters darkened
and all is quiet on the set
The action is about to begin
And here’s the promise:
The next scene is better than the last one or any others before
If. . .

COME ON. . .
You’ve paid for
a thousand times over
(a g a i n)
Here, today, a life imitates art moment (your art, my life): Having parked it further to the right than usual in the garage, I begin to back the car out slowly but not slowly enough to keep the cover from being ripped off the passenger side outside review mirror as it just clips the metal garage door track, ripping the turning light from its mooring in the process. A pitiful sight, the small light is left dangling there ridiculously from the guts of the mirror housing, yet the light responds immediately when I flip the turn signal to see if it still works. The cover is largely intact but has some questionable v-shaped gouges plastic once occupied.
After the initial ejaculation of a mild expletive (but blurted out with gusto), I resigned myself to my M.O.–que sera sera mode. Since reading this post of yours and thinking maybe I should quit feeling sorry for myself, I will try to become more proactive about responding to my carelessness in future missteps.
Some of your best teaching moments, Mr Nicolella is when you’re not so much teaching, BUT SHOWING US that the best thing about us is our FLAWED HUMANITY–a lesson you’ve humbly taught many, well! Thanks for the living example. YOU MAKE US ALL BETTER!