Sometimes it happens. . .
become the unhealthy. . .
the U N – W e l l
. . . .and it ain’t pretty.
The Statistics aren’t all that promising and back up the UN-PRETTY-NESS of it all. . .
A recent study, finds that one quarter of all family caregivers of Alzheimer’s disease patients succumb to the stress of providing care to a loved one and often become hospital patients themselves.
Specifically, Indiana University researchers discovered that a quarter of family caregivers of Alzheimer’s dementia patients had at least one emergency room visit or hospitalization EVERY SIX MONTHS
Caregiving is not easy. . .even when you get paid the big bucks for it
Caregiving is not easy. . .even when it’s your Lifestyle, and not just your profession
Caregiving is not easy. . .
even when it’s absolutely easy from time to time
The Murder/Suicide rate among senior adult couples is some 50% HIGHER than younger adults
S H O C K I N G ?
Some 40% of family members caring for a loved one with dementia suffer from signs of mental distress, according to a new study from the Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Some literally see Suicide as a C U R E
. . .So is there a Remedy?
When you can’t feel. . .
- Maintain some kind of life outside of caregiving; have friends, routines, hobbies and USE THEM
- Keep healthy; get check-ups, eat and drink right; e x e r c i s e
- Breathe; I recently heard a great technique for this: SNIFF IN, BLOW OUT
- Join a support group; not always for what someone can GIVE you, but what you might be able to share
Wait. . .is that too simple
Wait. . .is that too cost effective
Wait. . .
is it that easy
P s s s s s s t. . .
So. . .
when you can’t
f e e l ,
t o u c h
and see the results for the
and the
you rock Chuck,as always. Well stated and I am passing this on to many. This needs to read weekly on national news. We are not doing so hot as a country in our caregiving, and in fact not so good as employers sometimes. There are a lot of babyboomers in this exact spot. Thanks for you ongoing messaging to the world!!!
It’s a message I need to hear daily, especially over all the noise the World throws our way to deafen us