He was a kid in 7th grade who really didn’t like himself.
He couldn’t look in the mirror and NOT see something wrong with
His hair–too unCOMBly and wild
His Ears–too big
His Eyes–too green
His skin–Blemished
His body–Gawky
He couldn’t look in the mirror and NOT see something wrong with himself.
He even hated his name even though it came from his grandfather, but the way his teachers and sometimes, parents, used it, uhhhhh, NO!
He hated himself and worse. . .
he couldn’t imagine
NOT HATING him, too.
Until. . .until that night.
He doesn’t quite remember the exact date, but he remembers the Season.
It was early in December and his youth group
was going Caroling.
It was a big group, actually they combined the Jr. and Sr. high groups for the night as they went from nursing home to nursing home, to different shut-in’s homes back to the Church for hot chocolate, fresh baked cookies and a small Christmas party.
He still can’t figure out if he was set up or if it was REAL?
He would go to the back of bus by himself and didn’t much like the company
after each stop a girl would come back and sit with him.
A different girl from both groups after each stop.
In fact, some would hold his arm, some would hold his hand as they would walk, some would just ask him about him about HIM, but everyone did the same thing:
. . .that he wasn’t as bad as he always felt every time he looked in the mirror.
Actually, he never saw himself the same way, ever again.
…that was some 47 years ago and still, even now, all of those years later, he KNOWS, he wouldn’t be who he actually is and has been from THAT moment, until even at this moment as he types these words…or even now, as you read them.
No one ever told him exactly what happened THAT night.
Not his sister.
Not his youth group directors.
Not the Pastor.
But I will be eternally grateful for the Valentine’s Day that WASN’T–
the one time that made every holiday feel like just one big special event in a MOMENT
that’s never quite ended.
I’m thankful. . .
for the Valentine’s Day that WASN’T
and always is–
begun in ME!
Chuck, thank you for sharing that. And what 7th grader doesn’t feel that way. I always perceived you as the “always had it all together Chuck”. It’s beautiful how love turns things around…I would like to think I would be one of those little girls…but I would probably would have been sitting by myself somewhere. Special love to you and Erin
Ms Bonnie–You’ve always been one of those SPECIAL girls that brings nothing but compassion, care and love to others…I’m just glad I’be been one of them! You’re a LIFE-CHANGER
Thank God for that wonderful day. Helped Make you the person you are today. How we can touch each others lives!
…and it doesn’t cost a single cent, yet remains the most PRICELESS thing we can ever do…thanks, Ms Vicki