Do they?
Do Broken Crayons still draw?
Do Broken Crayons still provide Color?
Do Broken Crayons still contain Art?
You might or might not pass
“T h e T e s t”
I have handed out crayons to kids and sometimes adults. . .correction,
I’ve let them choose crayons from a basket;
Some are gnarled and dull. . .
Some are unashamedly bare,
they’ve lost their little colored coats
or some wisps of that color clamor to stay attached. . .
Some of THOSE crayons have long been worn down
though they somehow remain intact. . .
Some of those crayons are perfectly,
never yet been used
or met their first match with with paper. . .
Some have long lost their top or bottom parts
and barely can still be aptly named:
“C R A Y O N S.”
Any idea what the Consensus chooses. . . ?
H I N T :
It’s usually
but the seemingly useless nubs of color. . .
Just because
it’s been a long time since we’ve played/drawn
with a brand new box of Crayons
doesn’t mean that we still don’t wish—yearn,
W A N T that N E W N E S S,
is it?
Sadly, sometimes,
T H A T newness keeps us from drawing,
from creating,
from using our colors at all. . .
Sadly. . .
stupid, huh?
We can still color the Color
We can sharpen dull edges
We can create
. . .make white paper explode into something that’s guided by our hands;
There’s still Art in Broken Crayons
Our Broken hearts still beat
and at times when they don’t always
boldly follow their deepest,
most passionate desire
because they are smashed,
and dulled and literally,
half of what they use to be,
then we have the awesome,
humbled opportunity to gently lead them to a new,
more Colorful place.
Mr. Picasso once said,
“When I don’t have Red, I use Blue!”
What about you?
The Crayons NOT in the box are of no use to you. . .
the ones that are,
all or any part of them,
still have Art,
U S E!
A Caring Catalyst comes in all Colors. . .
P R O V E I T !
You are the only Masterpiece continually created and better still,
RE-created every day
Why are you holding out to
JUST be a RED apple.
Why not a Yellow one?
A Green one?
Or Blue?
W H Y N O T ?
YOU. . .
Now get to it. . .
Get to DRAWING people CLOSER together.
That’s Art,
Pure Genius. . .
no matter what the Color,
In or Out of the Box. . .
What an incredible analogy, Chuck! When I’m with my grandkids, I’ll never look at a box of crayons the same.
Thanks, Dick. Trust you, your lovely Bride, and your family are all doing well. Here’s to your Best Colors being the Ones you’ve yet to Discover let alone Use, yet. Blessings, Chuck
Chuck…another inspiring message to charge the day. You know I always felt sorry for the “not new” crayons in the old Cool Whip container. I have never been able to discard them. You know, I feel like making one of those crazy loopy pictures that you color in the spaces. Thanks Chuck!! Blessings always, Bonnie
You’re the Best. Have a very Merry Christmas.