Sometimes what we S A L U T E,
doesn’t much merit our A T T E N T I O N. . .
Quite a clip, isn’t it?
Is it True?
Does it make you think?
Do you Care?
Is it just so HBO of me to share it?
Sobering thoughts expressed by Jeff Daniel’s character, isn’t it?
TV/Cable at it’s Best. . .
or Worst?
v o t e s. . .
No more slamming of candidates and policies. . .
No more smear campaigns. . .
No more N O T talking about the real issues. . .
In many ways
our Country will Change
but in many more ways. . .
maybe we—
each of us—
i n d i v i d u a l l y
need changing, too;
We know what happens. . .
there’s plenty of rich documented History. . .
when we Pledge Allegiance. . .
What. . .
what happens if that Allegiance goes
Yes. . .
there’s plenty of that rich,
documented History, too.
The beauty of our Nation on Election Day,
Flag Day,
Memorial Day,
4th of July
or any other National
or not-so-national holiday
is that W E can feel or express anything we want or can
because we can !
Hmmmmmmm. . .
we don’t have to be perfect,
as a person,
a community,
as a nation to be becoming more perfect. . .
Pledge Allegiance
to that. . .
and Un-Pledged Allegiance
becomes unnoticed and better,
insignificant. . .
. . .the best way to solve a problem
is to first acknowledge that there is a problem. . .
The best way to become a better Country
is one
Caring Catalyst Voter
at a time
humbly with me
and you
and you
and you
and. . . .