There’s such a very huge distance between Looking and Seeing.
When’s the last time you, you just didn’t look but actually saw what’s behind the eyes, the face of everyone you meet?
Granted, we’re all very busy and it would be just so much easier if we could wear a special set of glasses that would identify the pain of each person, known and unknown to us in a very specific way–taking out all of the guess work.
Oh, we all know the danger of that word and the high likelihood of it making severe fools out of us, but there’s a greater risk here by not Assuming.
ASSUME: Everyone has a pain they can’t even begin to identify or put into words.
ASSUME: Everyone has a deep loneliness that keeps them from being a completed person.
ASSUME: Everyone has a Flaw so deep that no scar cream could ever erase or hide it wholly.
ASSUME: Everyone needs a SomeONE like You!
WARNING: You may get shunned. You may get yelled at. You may be told where to go that no GPS can fully track or direct.
Don’t take the risk. . .SHUN IT!
It’ll be worth it, for them and for you.
Be THAT Person.
The World needs it, the Person you take the time to help depends on it, and you, you will be absolutely better for it!
BE That Person, now and the NEXT time and one more time past an Ever!
Forget about just Looking. . .get to SEEING the Heart of the Matter and then attending to IT. . . .
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