I never attend
Worship Services—-
I conduct them. . .
and yet three times this past week
that wasn’t true. . .
One was at David Simpson Hospice House–
a 42-bed hospice inpatient facility
that had a Mass
for a Patient
her husband
her friend
a volunteer
a Staff Nurse
and me. . .
The Priest not only gave a short homily on
“Blessed are those who Mourn for they shall be Comforted. . .”
but then opened it up to each of us
to be the homily. . .
I read from the Lectionary
. . .A reading for the Day:
. . .The Priest Led Communion
. . .The Volunteer led some singing
. . .The Congregation of 6
w o r s h i p p e d. . .
r e v e r a n c e d;
The Second Service was at a Nursing Home
where my dad resides. . .
It was Sunday afternoon. . .
Erin, my wife and I
joined my dad
shortly after the service had begun. . .
I wasn’t focusing on the
slightly off key quartet. . .
I wasn’t focusing on the
patients and there family members. . .
I wasn’t focused on the message of
“Those who wait upon the Lord shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not be faint. . . .”
I was focused on my dad. . .
I saw him
not as weakened
not as incapacitated
not as he now sees
the brokenness in himself–
I saw him as One
who used to drive us to Church
and now One I’m transferring. . .
I saw him as not so much a
m i s s i n g p i e c e
from some discarded puzzle. . .
I saw him as a
s p e c i f i c P E A C E
that’s about completing me
I saw him and
w o r s h i p p e d. . .
r e v e r a n c e d;
The Third Time
I worshipped
was just a few days ago. . .
I was visiting a patient
who had made her room
a sanctuary —
music from a soap opera
played in the background
served as a choir. . .
I, a congregation of one,
she, the Celebrant,
Her sermon was not profound. . .
Her Communion Offering:
F e a r,
D o u b t,
A n g e r,
. . .She led the Litany:
I’m Afraid
I responded:
I’m Afraid sometimes, too
I Doubt God
I’m doubtful sometimes, too
I’m mad as hell
I’m mad sometimes, too
I’m just so tired
I’m tired sometimes, too
I’m thankful for you
I’m thankful for you, too
I feel better, now
I feel better, too
. . .When your C o m m u n i o n
is C o m p a s s i o n
it’s hard not to call it
w o r s h i p
r e v e r a n c e d
. . .I don’t attend worship services–
I conduct them–
I wonder how many other times
aside from these very special three. . .
I have already missed
or worse. . .
just how many I’ll continue to
miss from now
o n . . . ?
From the heart—-conducting instead of just attending. What a wonderfully lovey message that we can ALL take to our next
concert of worship that we can participate in as a conductor, not just a spectator.
Always appreciate your kind words and thoughts, Michael; continued blessings and success to you and the lovely, Carrie