Does Change jingle?
That’s the problem, isn’t it?
Most of the time when Change is imminent, it makes no sound…
The worst kind of Change there is the kind that is Jingle-less.
She just graduated from high-school three months ago and now it time for her next step into another phase.
Did you hear that Change Jingle?
She was afraid and began telling herself that she was never meant to go to college just because she had never been. She was absolutely positive that if she just took another four months, maybe even six months off to perfect her study habits and separate more gradually from her friends, she might be able to face it–for surely, she thought, no eighteen year old on the face of the planet was as messed up and as confused as her.
Her parents said, “Ahhhhh, we know THIS Place. . . .
Did you hear that Change Jingle?
She indeed went off to college when that crucial moment came, just as planned and PAID. When she moved into her dorm, she called her mom and said, I”I think I’m going to like it here.
Her mom said, “Ahhhh, I know this place. . . .
In the morning she called her dad, crying, saying she was just too lonely to bear it.
Her dad said, “Ahhhh, I know this place. . . .
Did you hear THAT Change Jingle?
What is stopping you from doing what you always meant to do?
The worst kind of Change there is, isn’t the kind that jingles. . .
The worst kind of Change there is, is the kind that is Jingle-less, but still so loudly clanging around in your soul…eery. . . .
The only thing constant is Change and even when we are on the down slope of the see-saw we moan, “Why
couldn’t I have stayed at the top–longer?
C H A N G E. . .that never jingles or jangles so much as rattles…