More often than the day comes after the night we LISTEN to REPLY!
We have excuses and opinions on “the matter,” but it still is a true statement that becomes more and more true with each passing conversation.
LISTENING for REPLYING sake–not for understanding, not for sympathy, not for empathy, not for compassion, and not for love–for Replying sake.
Even now as you’ve seen the short video and are reading these few fleeting words, good or bad, you’re formulating a response and defend it by thinking, “Everyone’s entitled to their opinion.”
Shhhhhhh. . .LISTEN.
It’s amazing what you’ll hear being said and intimated when your ears are open–fully–and your mouth is closed except for an occasional, “Hmmmm,” “Uhhh-huh,” “Really? Can you tell me more about that,” and actually MEAN IT!
It’s not about The Nail…Especially if Someone Else needs it not be.
Now, That’s Communication!
Dare to Hear what’s NOT being Said…even if it’s NOT the way you would actually say it or preferred it to be said to you.
It’s amazing just what will be communicated–both ways–on a road that was never even fully ONE WAY let alone a two or four-laner.
Hear it OUT!
When you Speak with your Ears, you might have Shouted the Loudest and Heard the most. . . .
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