It’s all about Compassion, isn’t it?
Everyone makes a push to “Get Their Compassion ON!”
Maybe it’s really about Taking your Compassion OFF. . .and not so much just SHARING it, but actually unequivocally, unabashedly, no-strings-ever-attached-GIVING IT!
Sure, the small film was made in Oslo, Norway. That would never happen in Cleveland, Ohio or Chicago, IL, or Fargo, ND, or Nome, Alaska, would it?
The thing that ultimately haunts me about the film is that the little kid, NEVER asked for a coat or clothes, or a scarf or gloves…not once.
Would it have made a difference?
Most of the time we resent someone who comes up to us while vacationing on the beach or going into the movies or the theater for a play; we look the other way at the man who stands on the street corner with a sign: “WILL WORK FOR FOOD” or worse, “I AM HUNGRY–PLEASE GIVE!”
A few years ago when my son, Connor and I were walking the Strip in Vegas a guy was holding a sign that said, “PLEASE GIVE MONEY–I NEED A BEER!”
Connor emptied his pockets for the man and said, “I appreciate your honesty, you deserve it.”
But that’s not even our problem is it?
Would you have given the kid your coat? Would you have talked to him at all or offered to drive him to a warmer place?
Let’s at least be honest about it: It’s not the first or the hundred and first time that matters, is it?
It’s the NEXT TIME!
So don’t get your Compassion on…Take it off and forget sharing it–GIVE IT!
You’ve only got so many chances in Life to really do so. . .how many have you already wasted?
How many more will you?
Out giving yourself is the best way to out live yourself!
Prove it! Dare. . .to do more today than yesterday.
Don’t meet the Challenge–EXCEED IT!
Find that the warmest Compassion going, isn’t the one you wear to beat the cold away, it’s the Kind you take off and Give. . .Again!
Whew. . .Toasty, isn’t it?
Yes, yes, yes. IF NOT ME, WHO? IF NOT NOW, WHEN?
Whenever it’s been time to STEP UP, I’ve never seen you STEP BACK…not ONCE! My truest and greatest admiration and respect, sir…thank you!