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A Sea of People offer the most unique of voyages. . .
It was a great night
for an outdoor concert. . .
but not just any concert;
It was the DEAD & Company Concert
at Blossom Music Center
near Cleveland, Ohio
And it was spectacular
. . . It had little to do with the
m u s i c
and certainly nothing to do with the massive
traffic jam
that made my usual 45 trip to Blossom
a three plus hour ordeal
which cost me
and many more
mostly the whole first set
of the show. . .
The Saving Grace?
The 20,000 concert goers
of all
political ideations
literary preferences
religious opinions
hair styles
clothing choices. . .
came together for a little while
in a field
to listen to
more than just a few musical selections
from an iconic group;
we just came together
showed kindness
gave consideration
were Caring Catalysts
with not just a few memories
but some life-long-changes
which will do much more than just
l i n g e r
but to powerfully illustrate:
Love in the Air only makes a D I F F E R E N C E when your Sails are UP
Sadly. . .
I am not an official
I was there as an extension of a gift to my son,
C o n n o r. . .
but I became a part of the tribe
that night
that moment
and now a lifetime of
m e m o r i e s
T H E T A K E A W A Y:
When a group of people come together
even for m u s i c
there’s a capacity not just to become
One and All
a g a i n
but more. . .
to become friends. . .
m o r e:
You said:
“Sadly. . .
I am not an official
D E A D H E A D”
Well, you are now! Welcome to the tribe!
This is a beautiful adage to all that have identified as DeadHeads for many years and our unspoken ideology to simply BE KIND. No matter race. Age. Sexual identity. Religion. Or how many times you have actually seen Jerry ????. We are a tribe woth that one simple concept to carry on to all. I wander a great many years and think that the tribe is coming back to these original roots. I am so happy your family felt welcome and had some well needed fun and comradare. For that is the thing we are all welcome come along and see where the ride takes you!!
And Ohhhhhhhhhhh what a glorious RIDE IT IS!
Amen my friend!
I sat on your wife’s Pittsburgh blanket that evening and I was a Brown’s fan…It was a great day to say the least.What a comfortable blanket that was, and what a great story and picture you made me a part of.I respect what you do, and will continue to follow your positive posts.Thanks again for being part of our world
What a great compliment. Thanks so much for your kind thoughts and words; here’s to your continued success and blessings!