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Go ahead. . .
pick a couple of Rocks. . .
but not just ANY Rocks. . .
Pick one that represents every
bad you’d like to Throw Away,
get rid of,
D i s c a r d from your Life.
We all have those pages,
those paragraphs,
those Sentences in the Book of our Life
we’d love to rip out,
obliterate as if they’d never existed,
so we and no one else will ever know of them again or ever.
Well, wonder if you could throw away,
f o r e v e r ,
that Misfortune in your life. . .
would you do it?
Take a walk with me to this pile of Rocks.
Pick one that represents everything you’d like to throw away,
and keep one that represents all that is precious to you.
Walk a little further with me
and lets securely put that p r e c i o u s rock in the most safest,
securest of places on our way to pitch that nasty,
hurtful Rock.
Here, we are!
See it a nice body of water lapping at the shores before you.
Take your aim!
Now with all of your might, do it!
with all of your strength,
all of your anger,
all of your hurt,
all of your disappointment—
H E A V E I T !
W O W !
G o o d T h r o w. . .
Look at that p l u n k,
that s p l a s h,
the r i p p l e s you created. . .
but it’s G O N E . . .
G O N E F O R E V E R !
H E Y !
H E Y !
What are you doing?
Where are you going?
G E T B A C K H E R E!
What do you mean you’re going to go find your Rock?
Are you Crazy?
Ludicrous, huh?
Seriously. . .
have you ever Thrown Away Your ROCK
only to go and find it again?
On Purpose?
N o t T o d a y !
Let it Go!
Let it be Gone. . .
It’s weighed you down too much for too long. . .
it hasn’t yet !
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