The only thing constant is Change, isn’t it?
8:54 isn’t a very long time to change is it?
Neither is a Second or a Trillion years…
If the Change is really a Change that doesn’t jingle, in your pocket, a tin can or, or even your Soul!
No matter how long Change takes, the Eight plus minutes to watch Sharon Wright’s amazing film, Change For A Dollar, or a lifetime or a Million Years, it really means nothing, if Change doesn’t happen in you.
When I contacted Sharon last week to ask her if I could use/promote her film, she was gracious in permitting the honor of possibly sharing SOMEthing that could not only cause Change, but ripple it out so that it could do it many times over–if you too would SHARE!
I knew after seeing this over a couple of years ago that I would not only be changed by it, but also have the responsibility of sharing it so that YOU may be changed, so that others, too might be
changed. . . .
I just didn’t want you to receive it–see it–experience it–I wanted you to S H A R E it as I have with you.
The only thing constant is change. . .when it doesn’t jingle in your pocket or in a tin can.
You’ll know it’s real, authentic, long lasting…uhh, yeah, even the Life-CHANGing Kind when it rattles around in your Soul like it can’t in any other way, in any other place.
Let that Jangle around in your Soul until it becomes the most glorious symphony the World begs to hear, Maestro.
Tap that Baton.
Start Directing.
Bring IT.
The Music of CHANGE never really Ends…we just stop Hearing IT!
Hi Chuck,
“The change that doesn’t jingle” is so powerful! Thank you for sharing with Russ Smith who in turn shared with some of his co-workers at Lake View. I will now share with my friends and family.
Thanks so much for you kind words and shared thoughts and now, for your willingness to SHARE the Real Change so the it can continue to jingle/jangle where it needs to the most: In Hearts! Glad it touched yours! Thanks again, Karen for your willingness to Share your kindness with me and now, others. Here’s to your continued success and blessings. Tell my buddy, Russ, “THANK YOU” as well