Dare I take up the next 6:19 minutes of your Life?
Dare you squander it?
Dare you Miss It?
Michael Pollack. You certainly know the name, right?
I didn’t know of him…never heard of him before 10 minutes ago.
Billy Joel.
I’ve liked his music since his very first song, “Piano Man” in the early 70’s.
I remember one story, because of his busy concert schedule, he was going to miss his only child’s, his daughter’s Birthday and she was devastated by the news…he was more so.
He had it arranged to fly back to her right after his performance, have himself wrapped inside a huge, brightly decorated box outside of their condo door and have the doorbell rung. When she answered the door, with the help of the door man and her mother, they brought the box inside of their condo…you may not fully be able to fathom the pure shocking surprise of her dad popping out of the box after she unwrapped HER BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!
A Gift.
A GIft is what Billy Joel not only gave his daughter on her Birthday, but also a young student, Michael Pollack at Vanderbilt University where Billy Joel was appearing and having a simple question/answer with the audience…the rest you see in the video if you have chosen to invest 6:19 minutes of your time.
Forget the performance. Forget the absolute thrill Michael Pollack must have felt accompanying Mr Joel in one of his famous songs, and doing it, impeccably…Forget it….
But Re-Member that the greatest gifts aren’t again, what can be ordered over the Internet, or found on shelves, under trees, given on Special Occasions….
A Gift–at it’s best is the one exchanged, spontaneously, without thought, pre-meditation or even remote expectation between THE GIVER or THE RECEIVER.
Be THAT Gift. . . .
BE THAT G I V E R. . . .
o f t e n.
This just makes me smile large! Thanks. Chuck.
Thanks for Spreading that Big Smile my way, Dorothy. Now, I’m smiling, too!